New posts Trending Search forums. The Black Cat 30 is very similar circuit-wise to the DC/HC-30. My experience has been that the DC-30 sounds best with single coil guitars. The C-30 amps are the best on the planet. This is also true of the Vox "Custom" series amplifiers. Tried several of the Vox Tonelab series, while it does AC30 better than other modelers, I didn't like the rest of the FX or some of the other models (doesn't do distortion as well as the others). Merch Shop. Location. But i think the Boss fender sounds can be made to sound great. Also, at 30w clean, a cranked SC30 is going to blow out that 25w speaker eventually. Bad Cat Black Cat. The Vox is great for chimey cleans, slight breakup tones and some classic rock crunching. Players craving the authentic sound of an original AC30 have four choices today—find an restore an old JMI, buy a reissue and play it as is, have the transformers, caps and resistors in the signal path of your reissue amp upgraded, or buy booteek. 00. Remember me Not recommended on shared computers. The DC30 is similar but brighter, quicker sounding. I’ve owned two Matchless amps and I still have one (not a DC30). I have 6 Voxes and owned a first 100 Matchless DC30 for years, and like the. Reactions: Crikey, ricksdisconnected and pelican. These amps are highly reliable and road ready, Don’t know about an ac30 on the road. Im looking for a modern AC30 style amp. See which musicians and artists use Matchless DC30, including Matthew Bellamy, Phil X, Brent Mason and others. As the 'cut' control is rotated away from the 'max cut. #1. The DC30 is not a vox imitator. "I've never heard a non-Vox amp that quite sounds like a real Vox" As an owner of a Matchless DC30 and a Vox HW amp, this is 100% accurate. I was looking around at similar amps and was reading about the Matchless DC30. Given that, I'm inclined to look at the Vox HW series, probably a used AC30HW. He probably should concentrate and stay loyal to his original vision. It sounds AWESOME. I still have to test the b-channel (EF86 tube) when amp. I'm itching to trade in my Vox AC30 TBX on one (crimson red tolex HC30 w/matching 2x12 cab). Voice DC30 Custom Valve is capable of both enchanting clean and raucous overdriven sounds, the signature chime of the Voice. Finally in 1996 I found a second-hand turquoise 1993 DC-30 in Vancouver and managed to scoop it for $3000 CAD, about $2200 USD, and it was my one and only amp until 2001 / 02. Sep 12, 2012. Alas, a Matchless cost about a year's rent in those days for me. and a tighter low end with the same base kind of AC30 Vox family tone, it's a great place to look. I have a 1964 AC30, an early 1990's Matchless C-30 (I have all three cabinets for it - 2x12 combo, 1x12 combo, and head cab w/2x12 extension cab), a very early Bad Cat Black Cat (the 40th amp they made, a C-30 copy), a Cub IIr, and a Judah (a Black Cat using two 6V6GT tubes in class AB). An AC30/4 was not a hybrid but was the original AC30 and was designed to be a doubling of the AC/15. The difference in punch, headroom, low mids, is night and day. Given its pivotal role in defining the sound of generation after generation of guitarists, Vox’s inimitable AC30 guitar amplifier has been achingly close to achieving this holy one-ness for decades. This is due to the differences in the power supply, transformers, and PI coupling caps (. If you prefer the "thickness" of the Matchless then go for it. I have played a lot of gigs with hc30. Had an early 90's Korg era/Marshall made TB/6 but it was so offensively loud before it broke up - nothing like the 60's ones I've played that just saturate into glorious compressed mid range overdrive. Previous topic - Next topic. KLDguitar DC30 30 w two independent channels hand wired amp kits is based on Matchless DC 30 amp,which is true benchmark in hand-wired, Class A tone. We put them in a 2 X 12 extension cabinet alongside a pair of original Blues I had, with a pair of custom Matchless speakers in a third cabinet. The DC-30 was the company s first design and still leads the lineup. Vox AC30 S1 30 Watts, One 12″ Celestion VX12 Speaker - 004248. 00. very good platform for clean amp and pedals for OD type setups, i would think. HC-30. Anyway, the Matchless DC30 has a crossline master together with a cut control. (Matchless DC30), because I can't have both a Vox and Bad Cat/Matchless (I used to have a Black Cat, but stupidly sold it. I've listened to a few clips of the above amps and they all sound very similar on the clean and dirty channels. . Read EL84 Amp Magic: Vox, Matchless and Victory by with a free trial. Dec 8, 2012. And yes, both played on the same cab to see if there are noticeable differences. Free. Forums. . Rent from $ 100. :stir Before I got the Morgan (for posterity, mine is a Dual 40, but it could be the ac20, ac40 or deluxe. MatchVox. 07-10-2011, 01:24 PM. Messages 1. Im wondering is there a cheaper version of a Vox AC 30 or Matchless DC 30, that is great with pedals? I like using pedals as my front for OD/Dist, but i love that Vox/Matchless clean tone, like Anna Calvi's. I’ve done the same thing with the Matchless DC30 models. fevzay Member. DC30 has two completely unique channels. . Matchless DC30 Vox AC30 1991. . Hi Guys I am looking to find the good vox ac30 and matchless dc30 clones. I'm considering getting either a Vox AC30HW (with blues), or a Matchless DC30, aiming for that Gaslight Anthem/Foo Fighters/Jimmy Eat World sound and the AC30 seems like a no brainer, but I know that construction has changed considerably since the 60s. 4 x EL84. Even the U. Athens, GA. 20 Jul 2018 The C-30 amps offer a bold, clear performance that really comes into its to a 6-position Tone switch rather than any conventional tone controls. The AC30 will be more noticed in a band, as it has a slightly sharper tone, the Twin will take every pedal under the sun and handle them all better. Owned 65 Vox ac-30 tb, 61 fawn head nontb, Matchless Lightning sampson era 112, and a Star Celestial 30 112 (basically an SC30 with 2 MVs). The thing is, I'm coming down off of a Matchless Cheftain which is a lot more open-sounding so the compressed-ness of the Black Cat is very audible to me right now and so I'm wondering: Is the DC30 as. #1. The DC30 is a chewy bright amp with big non defined bass. #5. thanksYou could try to source a Genz Benz Black Pearl 30. If you're a HG chugga-chugga player, don't bother with Matchless. No issues. It has a choke and plenty of headroom, sounds fantastic, built like a tank and came loaded with alnico eminence red fang speaker. The Vox is LOUD. Location. Though a 5K 5W placed right before the 22K dropping resistors will lower the preamp voltages down to AC-30 levels and keep the EL-34s running at proper voltage. The DC-30 was the company’s first design and still leads the lineup. Clubman 35 - Wonderful clean tones, thick and greasy when overdriven. It's the best amp I've ever owned. Matchless has more than AC clones nowadays, but the DC30 is an outstanding amp. It was built in 1997, so there is some wear and tear on the speakers, and that might be why it sounds so good. For me, I would be confident that with a Matchless DC30 (or SC30) was well built and is consistent in sound from amp to amp. The AC-50's B+ dropping resistors don't account for the higher B+ to run the EL-34s. . That is not true of the Vox or. It's only $25 USD more than the C-wreck, and you get the EF86 channel which is part of the VOX. It retains the classic and warm quality of a Vox AC30 but with an insa. Original Voxes use special EQ where there’s only a bass and treble. The second channel, or pentode channel, is based upon a Vox AC15. 52 LBSA friend and I have become interested in the Matchless DC-30 after playing one recently. We carefully listen, adjust and sculpt the tone we're looking for. I have an itchin' for a new amp, and I'm jonesing for Class A as I've never had one (I currently have a deville and and an 18 watt clone). It's always tough to pull the trigger on something you can't try first. ) One different coupling cap 2. The newer ones are cleaner and voiced a little differently. The Lone Star Special uses an ordinary Fender (Blackface) tone stack, which I think is a disadvantage compared to the other amps you list in terms of versatility. You could save considerable $ going with the Ceriatone clone - Dizzy30. VOX AC30 HW2 opinions? What's Hot. Even when comparing the first two Brad Paisley CD's (AC30) to the last two (DR. A modern V-30 is essentially a $20. Rhett Shull - YouTube Channel: Links:THE. How do they sound? I know the dc-30 is inspired by the vox ac-30, so Id assume they would work well, if you wanted that vox "chime", and "crang" Jump to content. This will be an. I have enclosed pics of the build he took, gutshots, as well as the amp in a make shift case. It was time to replace the power tubes on my Matchless HC30 Reverb, so I ordered a new set of JJ's (the amp just burns through power tubes too dang fast to fiddle with expensive NOS tubes. Existing user? Sign In . Matchless DC-30 Series. Posted May 3, 2019. You likely already know what this amp is: one of the best guitar amp designs in existence and the standard for the AC30 sound for the modern day. This correct the mid-cut effects that happens with the treble and bass at max on the AC30 TB. Those mismatched Matchless-treated Celestions are really perfect for the amp, add some three dimensional quality and a really amazing singing quality. but the ceriatone is constructed in a much different way than the matchless, so i wouldn't expect it to have those salient qualities. I can say that the one that's the most Vox AC30-like doesn't sound as good as a real AC30 if you're going for that tone, partly because of the Vox Blue alnico speakers in the real AC30. 022uf in the 15 watters). novemberrain Verbose poster Posts: 1191 Joined: Sat Jan 22, 2005 8:00 am. So I just picked up a Bad Cat Black Cat 30R 1x12 and it sounds absolutely amazing! By far the best AC30-style amp I've ever heard. This is more modern sounding than the C2. It's a great amp. Not just the trannies, but the caps, resistors, knobs, switches, jacks, chassis, etc. Interesting concept that yields slightly different tones, both workable. Besides, the JJ's sound great, and are pretty cheap!) While I was ordering the tubes, I remembered that this amp. VOX vs. We demo and compare guitar amps using EL84 power tubes: Vox AC15 C1, 1961 Vox AC30, Victory VC35 The Copper and Matchless HC-30. ), and you get the ef86, normal, and top boost. Very fine shape. What's new. Besides the obvious (one less speaker) the SC30 has a few drawbacks-the tone of the DC30 results from two dissimilar speakers (I think they're a G12-25 greenback and a G12-30H) and you can't get that from an SC30 without an extension cab. Sounds much better at lower volumes. the secret is obtaining a high quality EF86. Colin Hay. The amp looks like a Matchless DC30 mo. I also have a Matchless Independence which is a higher gain Matchless. I recommend a handwired VOX with Alnico speakers (eg Blues). Id use the Twin if you want to have OD pedals sound heavy, if you want a lighter crunch, for for the AC30. 9. It's much easier to play the AC30 etc. So there's a night and day difference in feel between an AC30 and a Bad Cat. Tuki Padded Cover for Vox AC-30 (Original) 2x12 Combo Amplifier (vox012p) $85. K. I'll be going direct to the board and through a PA/monitors. When the Blue speakers finally did come back (in the Korg reissue AC-30), I was sent a pair of engineering samples. would hate to try and pick one. #8. I've. Nov 17, 2009 #1 I currently have a Orange AD30R and I love it. The Black Cat 30 in particular has more controls, including a master volume on each channel so you can footswitch between the two channels with selected volume and gain settings. #27. flight case Vox AC30 at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!Sep 16, 2020. No tubes and no cabinet. Tim Bowen's description of a Matchless vs an AC30 was dead on. I also have a Pro Co Rat, Moog MF Drive, and an MXR 10 Band EQ, but I don't. What cool options is out there?:) Thanks:D - AndreasThe RSA 31 sounds stiffer and even less Vox like than the Matchless. Brand New. I found that the mids get progressively bigger, and tighter, as you go from an AC30, to Matchless, to Bad Cat. Feb 27, 2014. I own a 1965 AC 30 that sounds great so I wouldn't say. I'm in the market for a Vox-styple amp. Matchless DC-30. Matchless Opinions. Among modern, custom-built amplifiers, the Matchless DC30 remains one of the most highly regarded, sought after models ever built. Z amps (MAZ 18 JrNR (3), MAZ 38 SR). If you do a lot of clean stuff, the AC30 is a better option anyway, since more wattage mostly just gives you more clean headroom. The first channel is supposed to be modeled after an AC 30 and the second channel is supposed to be modeled after an AC 15. Vox Ac30hw2x Vs Ac15hw1x. the water will always fill the space left behind. The Vox AC30 is probably one of the amps that change the most over time, and there's lots of talking about it. Supporting Membership. Grey panel I have been thinking about possibly selling the vox to get a matchless. So, is there really a need for another "Vox" type amp. sc-30- best vox you are likely to hear-amazing 3D cleans,loud chieftain-in the jtm-45 camp-very rich sounding,nice break up,classic rock with a mild OD pedal as always I mention-Matchless amps are very tube picky-if yours has an ice picky highs or odd mid-range,look at your. Just want to say that the dotted 8th note doesn't do any amp justice. If you want to buy something, the "one and done" AC30 is the Matchless C30. 2,118. IMO, Bad Cat’s best offering is the Cub IV 40 Player’s Series. DC30 is the Matchless version of an AC30. New posts New media New media comments Latest activity. the AC30CC is a fine sounding amp to me. Add to cart. Do you need 30 watts? You realize that you'll almost never get it to break up. . Bob Clarke said: I have a Fender Mustang GTX100, a Line 6 POD HD300 and a Vox Tonelab (desktop unit). Quote by BillieJoeFreak: Hey all, I love AC30s, as I'm sure a lot of you do. But in a good way. It gets into that range, a little. Tuki Padded Cover for.